A Water Story | Kimberly-Clark

In 2018 after a terrible drought, Cape Town, South Africa almost reached Day Zero, a day when all of the taps would be shut off.

Kimberly-Clark uses a lot of water in its manufacturing process and has mills located in Cape Town as well as 11 other water-stressed regions. If an area is without water not only does it affect the manufacturing plant, but it also affects Kimberly-Clark's employees and the surrounding neighborhoods.

In an attempt to help solve the water crisis and help the community, the company hosted a workshop with various residents, NGO's, academics, and government officials at its plant in Cape Town, which we documented in this piece.

Filmed on two Arri Amira cameras and Arri Ultra Prime lenses.

Graphics created in Cinema 4D and Arnold Render.

Director & Executive Producer: Jillian Breslin
DP: Robert Kolodny
2nd Cam: Freddie Reed
Editor and VFX Artist: BB Enriquez
Motion Graphics Artist: Meredith Bugel
Graphic Design: Nate Garrido
Color: Harbor Picture


The Closer | NLA